Welcome to the world of Precision Overseas Inc, where quality is uncompromised, cost minimized and style revolutionized. Precision diligently forges itself through relentless innovation to come to be a household name in the builders’ hardware segment with a will to beautify your space and instill in you a feeling of impression and a warmth of satisfaction.
The company focuses to create commendable products with the right ingredients to balance both cost and quality. Being ISO 9001:2008 certified, the company values consistency and standard in every job and aims to develop a versatile range to style homes, business spaces and institutions, and accommodate modern architecture’s need for quality, functionality and durability.
The complete architectural hardware range that embraces door handles, door and window accessories and locking mechanisms empowers. We are the possibility to create complete solutions to ensure an overall quality and look. Precision is driven by constant innovation and meticulous craftsmanship, backed by particularly experienced engineers directing its design and manufacturing to produce products that emit supreme beauty, finish and technical stability. With stringent quality control, sound engineering and a variety of finishes to suit your interior décor. We are ready and set to enter your world and transform your space into a realm of dreams.